50 years of Civil Rights: why ignore racism of abortion?

Today, Life Dynamics, Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, is celebrating 50 years of Civil Rights in America.

July 2, 2014 marks the 50th anniversary
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

As we celebrate this momentous occasion, Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics and producer of the documentary film,Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America asks: “Why do the same people who mark the 1964 Civil Rights Act ignore the most widespread civil rights crime of our day:  Black Genocide?”

As Life Dynamics documents in Maafa 21, racism in America came in many forms.

One of those forms was eugenics, a well thought out agenda to limit the births of the Black population.

In Maafa 21, Life Dynamics unmasks the attitude of racists who openly admitted that they wanted to target Black babies in the womb.

Just a few years after the Civil Rights Act was passed Louisiana State Judge, Leander Perez said this, “The best way to hate a nig*** is to hate him before he is born.”

That statement is profound because today racists now use abortion to target the Black population before “they are born.”

Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, explains, “Abortion is not about woman’s rights or reproductive freedom it is simply about eugenics.We not only documented the eugenic targeting of minorities in our film, Maafa21 but also in a report we published in 2011.  Research we produced for our report, Racial Profiling by Planned Parenthood and the American Abortion Lobby, clearly shows that a majority of family planning centers market abortion to minorities by locating their centers in minority communities.”

Stats reveal that today more African Americans are killed inside American abortion clinics than are killed from AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, accidents and violent crime combined.

In fact, every 4 days more blacks are executed by abortion than the Klan lynched in 150 years!

Maafa 21 details how early civil rights activists recognized this danger:

“The racist tells you to take birth control pills to kill, to murder life that might have existed if you had not … They are planning mass extermination of people they consider dispensable.”  ~ Van Keys, Oakland Chapter, Black Panther Party said in  1969.

In 1973, Father George Clements an African American priests told Jet Magazine, “I believe the entire question of abortions is just one more in the continuous series of events to eliminate the Black population.”

A member of the Detroit Chapter of Black Panther Party once wrote, “A true revolutionary cares about the people; he cares to the point that he is willing to put his life on the line to help the masses of poor and oppressed people. He would never think of killing his unborn child.”

Perhaps the most stunning statement in Maafa21 comes from civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Alveda King: “When we said we would no longer sit at the back of the bus, a place was being reserved for us down at the abortion clinic.”

“When we said we would no longer sit at the back of the bus, a place was being reserved for us down at the abortion clinic.“ - Alveda King Maafa 21

Crutcher concludes, “If slavery had never existed, population control organizations like Planned Parenthood would not exist today. When you look at what we document in Maafa21, it is clear that the impetus behind the legalization of abortion was eugenics.”

As we remember the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we need to ask why those who say they stand for civil rights today remain silent and in some cases participate in the genocide of black babies in the womb through abortion.

As we remember the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we need to ask why those who say they stand for civil rights today remain silent and in some cases participate in the genocide of black babies in the womb through abortion.

If you would like a history of how this racist agenda of black genocide came about Life Dynamics invites you to watch Maafa 21  for free.

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