
What viewers are saying:

The things I learned from this documentary were shocking and surprising.

Wow!! The things I learned from this documentary were shocking and surprising. The Black race has been under attack for quite some time and many of people are oblivious to these horrific facts about these devils who live among us. Reminds me to never let my guard down in the struggle for human rights, freedom and justice for my people and the WAR against WHITE SUPREMACY!!

Kenneth Highsmith



It is my assessment that horrors carried out in the name of race have their roots in a naturalistic worldview. No God, no equality. Humanism reigns. Only the “fittest” must live, and the powerful have taken it upon themselves to decide who that is. Religion was their mask. Where there is no regard for the Creator of life, no one is safe. “Might makes right” happens all over the world, large scale genocide and small neighborhood violence. I think UNBELIEF is the root of hate, not ethnicity. There are lovers and haters in any ethnicity. Our constitution is not the problem, UNBELIEF is. Belief in ONE GOD = ONE RACE.

Matt T.

Ohio, USA

I bought the video, we must pass this on…..

Gary P.

Excellent educational video!

Planned Parenthood has always been evil, but now that you have clearly presented the facts of the connections to eugenics and forced sterilization, I loathe it even more. Blacks and the poor have been targeted by the government, and our taxes pay for it… this is entirely outrageous! The rights of all must be protected by defunding and destroying Planned Parenthood and all abortions ended! Keep presenting this truth!

Deb Eklof

Wisconsin, USA

Excellent Information

Lenard Jackson


Knowledge is Truly Power.

A true eye opener. No African American household should be without this DVD. All I can say is “God open our eyes.”

Darrell D.

Bronx, NY

This leaves no stone unturned when it comes to black genocide.

Not going to spill the beans on this documentary but this is must see for every minority in America. This exposes a truth most of us, especially my sister is very ignorant towards. Please, and I am stressing this, run out and buy this disc. It leaves no stone unturned when it comes to black genocide.

J. Michelle


God Bless your mission.


Rome, Italy

Shocking, but not the least bit surprised…

There always seems to be a negative ulterior motive toward the African American race here in the USA. The hate is so disgusting.



It knocks you off your feet!

Robert H.

Aurora, CO.


While I appreciate the history and have done my own research, I don’t appreciate the attempt to take the MAAFA and turn it into a pro-life agenda. Your indictments of forced sterilization, eugenics, and even the early mission of Mary Sanger are well documented. However, the logic of the documentary started to unravel when you combined you right to life agenda with the reality that abortion is a choice. Interestingly, you left out W.E.B. Dubois and MLK as supporters of Birth control. Overall, you are using the same tactics you condemn in the documentary by masking your agenda under the guise of Black Genocide.


Harlem, NY

When I saw this, I was embarrassed and mad.

As a white person I was never too much into apology for slavery because that was in the past. But when I saw what was still going on today, I was embarrassed and mad. I am going to get involved to stop this Maafa.


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