
What viewers are saying:

This movie is too explosive for Hollywood.

Thank you “Life Dynamics” for this AMAZING tool! Edmund Burke said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men [and women] do nothing.” Let this not be true for those of us given the blessed opportunity to see, hear and experience “Maafa 21.” May each one accept the call to expose those who choose lies instead of truth, death instead of life and evil instead of good. Let it not be said “you knew the truth, but turned a blind eye.” For after viewing this, God takes no excuses!


Chattanooga, TN.


I loved all the details that you brought to this documentary and how you backed things up with newspaper articles and books. You make anyone who defends places like Planned Parenthood have a case that is hard to plead. I appreciate what you are doing for me and others in the Black community. In order for us to move forward, we must first know that is going on. Not only are places like Planned Parenthood involved in the madness you discussed in the documentary but they also were accused of some other foul play that I truly hope is false. Thank you again. Now, it’s our turn.


I thank you for producing this video.

As a former Black woman President of NOW, I know the horrors of Planned Parenthood. I joined the NOW because I wanted to champion the cause of Black women who are marginalized in our society. I later learned that I was being used to push an agenda to destroy the Black race. I resigned and made a commitment to expose the genocidal murder of Black babies.

Sharon R.

St. Petersburg, FL

In an age of radical deceit, it is such a refreshing and encouraging thing to see people of truth telling it like it is.

The ultra elites are out to destroy us all, and since they are radical racists, they are targeting the people of color even more. I pray for justice everyday.


Blind No More

I’m going to tell everyone I know about this film. So many of my liberal friends think they’re friends of the blacks, they think they know all about the “good things” PP is doing for the poor black communities. I often find it hard to convince them to read a short post on FB so I’m not sure they’ll be willing to take the time to watch this but I’ll keep on telling them. Thank you for all of the work you’ve done to bring the truth to the forefront. We are all God’s children worthy of life.

Amy Robinson

Indiana, USA

It’s not as bad as we thought. It’s worse.

Evil comes this way hither. It’s not as bad as we thought. It’s worse. This is what happens when the govt. is allowed to get involved.  To those who want to manage this world, WE ARE CALLING YOU OUT!


Alpharetta, GA.

I am deeply touched by the documentary.

Your research was very, very well done, covers all the bases and leaves your jaw hanging.

Doug C.

Everyone was moved that saw it.

Thank you for cooperating with the Holy Spirit to piece together this professional and fascinating piece of journalism. Everyone was moved that saw it.

Nancy S.

It was stunning.

Much of it I already knew, but there was a lot that I didn’t know. The documentary puts the pieces together very well.

Steve G.

Good God, if this doesn’t motivate the black community into action nothing will.

What a triumph!

Brian C.


It is my assessment that horrors carried out in the name of race have their roots in a naturalistic worldview. No God, no equality. Humanism reigns. Only the “fittest” must live, and the powerful have taken it upon themselves to decide who that is. Religion was their mask. Where there is no regard for the Creator of life, no one is safe. “Might makes right” happens all over the world, large scale genocide and small neighborhood violence. I think UNBELIEF is the root of hate, not ethnicity. There are lovers and haters in any ethnicity. Our constitution is not the problem, UNBELIEF is. Belief in ONE GOD = ONE RACE.

Matt T.

Ohio, USA

It’s an impressive achievement.

Just watched the documentary. It’s an impressive achievement. The picture it paints of government complicity in attempted racial genocide is quite sickening. It gives me some hope that the Black community will wake up soon. If they don’t, they will be a historical footnote.

Doyle C.

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